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McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program

Homeless Education

The Post Falls School District McKinney-Vento Homeless Program works to remove the barriers to education which students in precarious situations often face. This webpage is available to provide information for educators, parents and students and assist in finding the help they need.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001 states (paraphrased for understanding):

1. Students who are living in emergency, temporary and/or transitional housing situations have the right to the same public education (including preschool) that other children enjoy.

2. State agencies are required to make it easier for students living in unstable housing situations to enroll in and benefit from school.

3. A student cannot be denied enrollment in school simply because he/she is living in emergency, temporary and/or transitional housing situations.

4. Students who are McKinney-Vento qualified will be given the same educational materials and services that other students receive in order to pass state tests.  

For further questions please contact our Homeless Liaison:
Janelle Baker
(208) 773-0581