Board of Trustees
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The Post Falls School District is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees elected by the citizens of the district to serve overlapping terms of four years each. Board members are not paid for their services.
The Board is a policy-making body and within the framework of state law exercises control over the educational and financial affairs of the school district. The Board’s responsibilities include the management of district policies consistent with state and federal law while considering interests of students, staff and community. Other Board activities include approving bond and levy elections for operational and facility needs. They also authorize major expenditures and the purchase and sale of school property. School Boards advocate for public education through community partnerships and school/district initiatives. School Board members have no power to act individually in the name of the Board. Action can only be taken when the Board is meeting in formal session with a majority of its members present. The Board recognizes it has an obligation to the people of Post Falls to plan the best possible educational program and to expend revenues wisely.
The regular meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held for the conduct of business commencing at 5:30 pm at River City Middle School, 1505 N Fir, Post Falls, Idaho, the second Monday of each month.
Kerri Zeller, Clerk of the Board of Trustees